Code Blocks

Syntax Highlighting

Use GitHub style fenced code blocks to specify the language.

  url: "/api/getWeather",
  data: {
    zipcode: 97201
  success: function( data ) {
    $( "#weather-temp" ).html( "" + data + " degrees" );

Syntax Highlighting

Highlight Lines of Code

To put the focus on specific lines of your code block, use the following command:

[.code-highlight: 2]

  url: "/api/getWeather",
  data: {
    zipcode: 97201
  success: function( data ) {
    $( "#weather-temp" ).html( "" + data + " degrees" );

Highlight line of code

You can also highlight a range of lines:

[.code-highlight: 2, 6-8]

  url: "/api/getWeather",
  data: {
    zipcode: 97201
  success: function( data ) {
    $( "#weather-temp" ).html( "" + data + " degrees" );

Highlight ranges

Step through Highlighted Lines of Code

When presenting, you can step through multiple highlights incrementally. Place as many [.code-highlight] commands above a code block in the order you would like the lines of code to be highlighted when presenting.

[.code-highlight: none]
[.code-highlight: 2]
[.code-highlight: 6-8]
[.code-highlight: all]

  url: "/api/getWeather",
  data: {
    zipcode: 97201
  success: function( data ) {
    $( "#weather-temp" ).html( "" + data + " degrees" );

Automatic Scaling

Don’t worry if your code is slightly too long. Deckset scales code blocks to fit automatically.

def establish_connection(spec = nil)
  spec     ||=
  resolver = configurations
  spec     =   resolver.spec(spec)

  unless respond_to?(spec.adapter_method)
    raise AdapterNotFound, "database configuration specifies nonexistent #{spec.config[:adapter]} adapter"

  connection_handler.establish_connection self, spec

Automatic Scaling

Inline code

Use code within normal text by enclosing it in backticks.

For example: `func map<A, B>(x: A?, f: A -> B) -> B?`

Inline Code